19 April 2010

Patient Problem? Part 1

Tuesdays were the only days Airica truly had to herself. Every other day she was fully dedicated to her job. She worked almost ceaselessly. Being a doctor at the biggest hospital in the United States was taxing, and there was a constant need for her skills. Every day, Airica worked nine-hour shifts with no break, took an hour to eat and get a short nap, and then took on another ten-hour shift before heading home to sleep for the remaining four hours of the day, only to head back to the hospital for another shift.
Tuesdays were predominantly filled with sleeping and catching up with her few friends and her family. She loved her job, yes, but it was hard work, and she loved being able to rest and slow down for a whole day. It was during one of these blissfully calm Tuesdays that Airica met David. Airica had gone to a small, locally owned coffee shop to relax and read for a bit. David sat down opposite her at the two-person table and stuck out his hand.
"Hey, I'm David. What are you reading?"
His voice was deep, and a British accent was obvious in his speech. His face was jovial, full of life and purpose. Airica put her book down, surprised at the suddenness with which David had addressed her.
"I-I'm Airica. Nice to meet you. I'm reading...um..." She stole a quick glance at the spine of the book, suddenly forgetting what it was she had been reading. "Oh. I'm reading 'Les Miserables,' by Victor Hugo. He's brilliant!"
David looked impressed. "Who knew that doctors liked such ancient books? I thought all you people read was surgical magazines and thank-you letters from patients."
Airica blinked. "What? How did you know I'm a doctor?"
David laughed, an amazing and sincere laugh. "Well, that's probably due to the fact that you stitched me up after I was hit by that truck. Remember that? My car got clipped and I spun out, hitting my head splitting it pretty badly."
Airica smiled. "Yeah, I do remember that now. Wow, that was you? I guess you look a little different with a healed forehead."
"All thanks to you." He smiled.
Airica blushed. "You don't have to thank me."
David winked. "Didn't have to. Wanted to. And I was wondering...you want to go to dinner? Say, in an hour?"


  1. So, when are you going to publish your first novel? :-)

  2. Hmm...good question. Whenever I actually get it done! :P I'm really bad about working on it on a regular basis. Ah well. It will happen. Soon. Hopefully. :)
