15 November 2010

The Repressed Student

Five numbers

Branded on arms--

Which are you?

Numbers necessary

To eat, to pass

Repressed class.

Keys are handed

Heavy and cold--

Not to unlock

But to unload.

Mandatory meetings

Happy moments fleeting.

Classes drag on

Attention wanders--

Discipline is sharp

For tired eyes.

The days drag on

With a weary yawn.

Hope comes

Riding the horizon--

A week of sleep

The chance to escape.

Let's run away

For the holidays.


  1. At first, I thought you were going to write something about the holocaust. Hahah.

    Sometimes school feels like death camp though...

  2. It was definitely inspired by that. Seriously, our student id numbers are only one digit off from the numbers Jews had tattooed on their arms. And yes, school is a death camp. Thank goodness it's almost the holidays!

    PS--Thanks for all your feedback! :)
