08 January 2011

Letters To No One

Dearest X,

It is with trembling hands and heart that I write this. I know what I must say, and yet I cannot. The words are pushing through the barrier of my teeth, biting my lips. They want out more strongly than any words I have said before. And yet, I know that if I let these words out, I also let out my tears, and I open the floodgates that lead to my heart. I am most vulnerable at this point; with my heart on my sleeve and my head in my hands.

But still the blank pages beckon to me, calling me on. I know that by now you are long gone, too far for me to reach. Still I will write to you. I do not expect a response. I never have, not from you who have been gone so long. I only with that I could hear your voice one last time. Let me know that you listen, and these words will flow out of my mouth with the eloquence of angels.

Perhaps I will have mustered the strength I know is necessary--which I do not currently posses--by the time I next sit at my writing desk and pick up my pen. Until then, I cannot bring myself to the point of vulnerability which I know must come eventually. I shall write again.



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