Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh...
OK...it is definitely pitch black up here. I thought there was a light somewhere...Ah, there it...That's not it. That is a glowing...something. Oh my word. I have never been so scared.
What's this? A baseball bat? Excellent.
OK, whatever-you-are-glowing-thing, here I come. I have a weapon, and I am not afraid to use it! Don't provoke me! I will hit you! I-
Um. That is definitely not a human. For that matter, it's definitely not...real. I mean, people are real. Animals are real. That thing that I'm staring at- that's not real. Nope. Not at all. Herm.
Hello? Thing? Yeah, hi, I live here. What are you-?
Oh. My. Word. You're a what?
A genie. OK. How do...how do I answer that?
I get three wishes? Are you kidding me? You're serious? Oh wow. What do I wish for? I've never...exactly...had a wish before. No, I'm not kidding you...Yeah. You're supposed to be a mythical creature, like something out of, I don't know, Aladdin or something.
You know him? OK, now I know you're kidding.
You're not. Uh-huh. OK. Three wishes. Got it.
Guess I better start thinking, huh?
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