26 February 2010

My Attic's Inhabitant Part 1

There is something alive in my attic. There seriously is! I don't know what it is, though, because I'm too scared to go look. It's been making noises all day. It's really loud, and it almost sounds like there are multiple things up there. I'm so scared! What if there are- what if it's a robber? Or a murderer? And they're hiding in my attic because they think it's a safe place...Oh! What if they come down here?! It's almost midnight. What if I go to bed, and they come down, and they murder me in my sleep! Oh my gosh...I can tell right now that I am never ever going to get to sleep tonight. Um. OK. If I'm going to die, I might as well die right now, right? So here I go. Attic inhabitant, here I come! You had better watch out!
Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh...
OK...it is definitely pitch black up here. I thought there was a light somewhere...Ah, there it...That's not it. That is a glowing...something. Oh my word. I have never been so scared.
What's this? A baseball bat? Excellent.
OK, whatever-you-are-glowing-thing, here I come. I have a weapon, and I am not afraid to use it! Don't provoke me! I will hit you! I-
Um. That is definitely not a human. For that matter, it's definitely not...real. I mean, people are real. Animals are real. That thing that I'm staring at- that's not real. Nope. Not at all. Herm.
Hello? Thing? Yeah, hi, I live here. What are you-?
Oh. My. Word. You're a what?
A genie. OK. How do...how do I answer that?
I get three wishes? Are you kidding me? You're serious? Oh wow. What do I wish for? I've never...exactly...had a wish before. No, I'm not kidding you...Yeah. You're supposed to be a mythical creature, like something out of, I don't know, Aladdin or something.
You know him? OK, now I know you're kidding.
You're not. Uh-huh. OK. Three wishes. Got it.
Guess I better start thinking, huh?

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