The time had come. I was to make my first wish. The genie had told me that I could make one of my three wishes each day. Therefore, he would live in my attic for those three days. Ahem. The rattling, in other words, would not end. Which was OK, I guess, considering that I was trading my sanity for a wish. Cool.
My first wish. This...is a momentous occasion. A big deal. A pinnacle. A first. Literally. So I wanted to use my wish wisely. Provide for myself. Make arrangements for my future. Oh yes, I could see it all now. I knew without a doubt what my first wish would be.
I wish for ten million dollars! Tax free, of course.
Poof. There it was. Oh. Wow. That- this- is a LOT of money.
I'm rich! At long last, I'm rich! Best feeling ever. I think. I feel like a million dollars. No, wait, I feel like ten million dollars! Woohoo!
Now, what to do with all that money? First, of course, a car. I've been needing a new one of those for a while here. Hmm. What next?
I sat down and made a list of what to do with all my money. Of course, I knew I couldn't possibly spend it all right now. So I put all but a couple thousand in savings. The couple thousand I used to put a down payment on my car (so as not to seem suspicious. Duh.). I was riding high. Literally.
I knew that I had to think of a couple more wishes, of course, but for now I was simply enjoying my newfound wealth. It was pretty cool, really. I would have moved, too, but...there was the small matter of the genie in my attic. I didn't want to inconvenience him. Obviously.
What's that, sir? Second wish time? Already? Uh huh. OK. Just a...just a couple minutes? Alright. I'll get right back to you with that. Um.
Well, that's my cue to make my second wish. What shall I wish for? I haven't a clue.
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