28 February 2010

My Attic's Inhabitant Part 3: Second Wish

One wish down. Two to go. I had thought about my second dream for a long, long time. I had finally decided what to do about it. I was going to wish for- Oh, don't you just wish I would tell you right now.
My riches had been taken care of, safely stored away in a couple different bank accounts, and a car bought. I was well taken care of. I was very much happy with my first wish. Time for wish number two. Here we go.
I climbed slowly up the flight of stairs leading to my pitch dark attic. Even after the past days, I hadn't been able to convince myself to get a light put in. I just...didn't really think I needed one. I mean, come on. The genie glowed for heaven's sake. GLOWED! So yeah. No light needed, I figured.
Anyways. It was time for wish number two. I had been thinking about it since- well, like I said earlier, for a long time. I knew what I was going to do. I walked up the stairs, kind of dragging my feet. I wasn't exactly used to the genie, I mean...come on. Really. Kind of hard to get used to, you know?
I opened the attic door and cleared my throat to announce my presence.
Yes, hello, your...um...glowing-ness. Hovering-ness. Um. Old-ness. Who knows. Anyways, hi. I'm ready for my- ahem- second wish. Yeah.
Okay. Here goes. I wish for...
(Drum roll, please)
Wow, is that my phone ringing? Now my cell phone? What the-?
I ran downstairs really quickly. I tripped a couple times. Yeah. That's me. Ahem.
I picked up the phone. Hello? Yeah, this is- who is this? Really? I- wow. Wow. WOW. Holy cow, this is really...abrupt. I think. No, no, I'd love to! I'll be there in ten minutes.
Well, I have to go. Off to my first celeb photo shoot, apparently. Woot! See you losers later. I'm famous.
Gotta avoid all the paparazzi. Disguise...? Nah.
Here goes the beginning of awesomeness. I'll be back in time to make my next wish. Wish me luck. Aha, I crack myself up...

27 February 2010


"That was one of the best meals I have ever had!" Shann said.
"Mmh, I know. It was delicious! I don't know why I've never been to this place before. We should definitely come here more often."
"Oh, for sure. There's nothing on earth that could stop me from coming here again. Except...that waiter. He was a little-" She traced a circle around her ear. Crazy. "But everything else was wonderful. Yum."
Shann was right. The waiter had been a little cuckoo. I mean, how many waiters get mad at you for not hitting on them, or not ordering their favorite meals? I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat, not what he told- demanded- me to. Sheesh.
The restaurant we had found was little and out-of-the-way, but it was cozy and cute. I had loved it as soon as I saw it, and when I tasted the food, it became my favorite. Hands-down. The red walls decorated with rustic-looking clocks, pictures, and metallic decorations were adorable. The black tables and chairs should have made the place pitch dark, but the lights over each table provided the perfect amount of light for a friendly conversation and no need to search for your food in the dark. I loved the feel of the fireplace tucked away in the far corner- open, because it was used to cook the delicious bread that was served with everything. The ceiling was painted to look like an overcast sky, with clouds drifting across a blurred sun. It was gorgeous, even though at first it didn't sound like it.
Then the waiter brought the bill. He absolutely glared at me when he set it down on the table. It wasn't split, as we had asked him to make it, so we just decided to split it ourselves. I picked it up and scanned it quickly. Not as much as I had thought it would be-
Then my eyes found the message hastily scribbled at the bottom. I raised my eyes slowly and searched the room as subtly as I could. The waiter was sitting near the bar, waiting for custom, but he was staring straight at me. I gasped and looked away. His eyes were haunting. I turned back to the note, then looked at him again quickly. He saw my face and grinned, an evil grin that I wished I would never have to see again. But I knew I would.
The note read, "I will be watching you. You cannot run."

My Attic's Inhabitant Part 2: First Wish

The time had come. I was to make my first wish. The genie had told me that I could make one of my three wishes each day. Therefore, he would live in my attic for those three days. Ahem. The rattling, in other words, would not end. Which was OK, I guess, considering that I was trading my sanity for a wish. Cool.
My first wish. This...is a momentous occasion. A big deal. A pinnacle. A first. Literally. So I wanted to use my wish wisely. Provide for myself. Make arrangements for my future. Oh yes, I could see it all now. I knew without a doubt what my first wish would be.
I wish for ten million dollars! Tax free, of course.
Poof. There it was. Oh. Wow. That- this- is a LOT of money.
I'm rich! At long last, I'm rich! Best feeling ever. I think. I feel like a million dollars. No, wait, I feel like ten million dollars! Woohoo!
Now, what to do with all that money? First, of course, a car. I've been needing a new one of those for a while here. Hmm. What next?
I sat down and made a list of what to do with all my money. Of course, I knew I couldn't possibly spend it all right now. So I put all but a couple thousand in savings. The couple thousand I used to put a down payment on my car (so as not to seem suspicious. Duh.). I was riding high. Literally.
I knew that I had to think of a couple more wishes, of course, but for now I was simply enjoying my newfound wealth. It was pretty cool, really. I would have moved, too, but...there was the small matter of the genie in my attic. I didn't want to inconvenience him. Obviously.
What's that, sir? Second wish time? Already? Uh huh. OK. Just a...just a couple minutes? Alright. I'll get right back to you with that. Um.
Well, that's my cue to make my second wish. What shall I wish for? I haven't a clue.

26 February 2010

My Attic's Inhabitant Part 1

There is something alive in my attic. There seriously is! I don't know what it is, though, because I'm too scared to go look. It's been making noises all day. It's really loud, and it almost sounds like there are multiple things up there. I'm so scared! What if there are- what if it's a robber? Or a murderer? And they're hiding in my attic because they think it's a safe place...Oh! What if they come down here?! It's almost midnight. What if I go to bed, and they come down, and they murder me in my sleep! Oh my gosh...I can tell right now that I am never ever going to get to sleep tonight. Um. OK. If I'm going to die, I might as well die right now, right? So here I go. Attic inhabitant, here I come! You had better watch out!
Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh...
OK...it is definitely pitch black up here. I thought there was a light somewhere...Ah, there it...That's not it. That is a glowing...something. Oh my word. I have never been so scared.
What's this? A baseball bat? Excellent.
OK, whatever-you-are-glowing-thing, here I come. I have a weapon, and I am not afraid to use it! Don't provoke me! I will hit you! I-
Um. That is definitely not a human. For that matter, it's definitely not...real. I mean, people are real. Animals are real. That thing that I'm staring at- that's not real. Nope. Not at all. Herm.
Hello? Thing? Yeah, hi, I live here. What are you-?
Oh. My. Word. You're a what?
A genie. OK. How do...how do I answer that?
I get three wishes? Are you kidding me? You're serious? Oh wow. What do I wish for? I've never...exactly...had a wish before. No, I'm not kidding you...Yeah. You're supposed to be a mythical creature, like something out of, I don't know, Aladdin or something.
You know him? OK, now I know you're kidding.
You're not. Uh-huh. OK. Three wishes. Got it.
Guess I better start thinking, huh?

25 February 2010

I am the Bomb

My costume was the bomb. I mean, how many twelve-year-olds actually think of something like this? I was so sure I was going to win. There was no way I could lose with this bomb costume. Did I mention it was bomb? Oh yeah. I did. A couple times.
So there I was, in line, waiting for the announcement of the winner. I was smiling, because of course I was going to win. It was just going to happen. I could feel it. Then this little girl- I have no idea how she was twelve- she looked, like, nine- sneaked around the corner towards the judges. I see this little hand sneak out and put something on the table. The judges- who were all juniors in high school- grabbed the thing off the table and stuck it in their pockets. They nodded to the little girl and she turned and ran back to her place in line. She was dressed like- you guessed it- Miley Cyrus. I mean, really? How old are we here?
I have no idea what she gave the judges, but it doesn't bother me. I'm still going to win. Nothing can make me lose. I mean-- bomb costume, remember.
Then the judges make their announcement. I'm waiting for a "Cade Stinson!" to ring out, telling everyone just HOW bomb my costume is, but instead I hear the judges all clearing their throats and kind of "um"-ing, you know? Like they don't want to announce the winner! What is that all about? Finally, the really tall guy gets up and hold the microphone up to his mouth. He opens his mouth and says, really slowly, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you this year's sixth-grade Halloween Costume Contest winner. Please give a round of applause for Jenny Roth!"
There's a stunned silence. I think everyone was expecting me to win, too.
Jenny steps forward. Holy cow, it's the Miley Cyrus girl. I think...I think she bribed the judges. I lost because she...I glance at the judges. They're all pulling candy out of a huge zip-lock bag. I lost because she bribed the judges! How can that be fair?
And what can I do about it? I'm just a twelve-year-old in a bomb costume.

24 February 2010


Who the heck was this crazy person? We were barely out of the lot when she took off, foot slamming the gas. She had only one hand on the steering wheel. She had no seatbelt on. She wasn't looking in her mirrors. She wasn't using the blinker. She wasn't doing a whole lot of anything a normal driver would do. I could see misfortune in the literal road ahead. I was scared for my shiny, metal life.
Life as a car is never easy. Never has been, never will be. In a wreck, though people might get hurt, it's us cars that really sustain the most damage. I mean, ouch. When we ram up against a giant one-ton truck...that hurts. People don't realize that. Ever. Uh huh. Yes. That's right. I'm a car. And I'm talking. To you. Yeah.
So. Listen up. When you're blazing down a country road lined with trees and cows, stomping on the pedal (which also pinches, by the way), please remember- if you hit one of those things, not only are you going to get injured, I'm going to be in PAIN. And that's something I don't like. Really. Cows are pretty solid when you hit them going at eighty. Ninety. One hundred and twenty. So slow down. And put your seatbelt on. That's why I have one. You're doing the right thing.