10 April 2012


I miss...
Us. Together.
But I don't. I really don't.
How can I miss us without missing you?
I feel like...
Like I should miss you.
I miss being with you.
But not
I miss feeling your hand in mine.
I miss the feeling I got
When you pressed your lips to mine.
Is that wrong?
I miss the presence but not the person.
We all know
Was a mistake.
That much was evident.
But I gained from that mistake.
I gained knowledge.
I gained friends.
I gained emptiness
That comes from having someone
And losing them.
Our Us was like a child's phase.
It didn't last long...
And it was a good thing.
I miss your lips on mine.
How I long to be kissed again!
How I miss the feeling in the pit of my stomach
Of being connected to someone like that.
Looking into your eyes...
That's what broke Us.
That's what made our entire togetherness
Become something to be changed.
It's what tore me away from you.
Eyes, windows to the soul.
Yours and mine weren't compatible.
There was no Us after that.
I miss Us.
But I don't miss you.
I am a terrible person for that.
Forgive me.
I don't know how I've gotten on this long
Without the forgiveness of that.
That's what this is about...
Not missing Us.
It's about not missing you
And the forgiveness I crave.

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